Having a preschool aged child is a lot of work. Getting divorced when you have a preschooler presents even more challenges. This article will help parents make compassionate choices when dealing with their preschooler’s pre-divorce angst and when making child custody determinations.
Child Custody: Your Preschooler in a Divorce
Child Custody – Keys to Success
When you are working on your child custody plans, it is important to know that virtually all experts agree that children do best when:
(a) their parents get along well; and
(b) the children feel that they are being parented together by both mom and dad, as a team.
Dependent Exemptions, Child Custody & Divorce
The Internal Revenue Code has changed as of December 22, 2017. For up-to-date information about child related tax benefits, see this video.
The Three Golden Rules for Visitation After Divorce
Spending uninterrupted time with your child or children after a divorce can be the only thing that feels right in the aftermath of a divorce. Though divorce is not recommended, it often wakes parents up to the idea that time with their children is precious and that their children's youth is fleeting.
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