Robin Graine: Divorce Mediation at its Best
Robin Graine, JD, CDFA has helped hundreds of couples resolve their divorce issues -- and eliminate their outrageous divorce lawyer fees -- with mediation.
Career Dedicated to Families
I am an experienced mediator who:
- knows the law;
- has the skills to manage complex financial and tax matters; and
- understands the impact of divorce on children.

Robin Graine, JD, CDFA
Highly-rated divorce mediator with 20+ years experience in family law, custody, child support, alimony, Marital Settlement Agreement (MSA) | VA Supreme Court Certified Divorce Mediator | Certified Divorce Financial Analyst
I know what it feels like to go through a divorce. Like you, I got divorced and had to completely start my life over. My career as a mediator came as a result of my own experience, at 43 years old, with two young children, and a big, fat surprise divorce.
Nothing is more gratifying to me -- after so many years of study, training, and experience -- than helping clients successfully move through the transition from married to single. Though I had practiced family law for years before my children were born, my divorce came after 11 years as a stay-at-home mom. Once I shook off the shock of my husband leaving, I founded Graine Mediation in 2009. I have never looked back. I re-built my life. You can, too.
Divorce is about money, real estate, and kids. You need to focus on these issues. I will help you concentrate on what really matters in a divorce settlement: planning for your future, and not dwelling on the past. I have saved my clients thousands of dollars by keeping them focused on these matters.
Robin shares the key questions you should ask when hiring a divorce mediator
Click here for more informative videos
about divorce mediation.
Developing a plan for your future will prepare you to live the happy and successful life you deserve.
I am a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, lawyer, single-mom, and champion of fairness in both process and result. As an attorney, I litigated divorce and family law cases for many years. My clients ranged from financially sophisticated executives and business owners to clients who had barely enough to get by.
I will get you through your divorce settlement efficiently and inexpensively. Together, we will determine your settlement options and choose what is best for you and your children. We will consider making reasonable compromises, when appropriate, and focus on needs and fairness – not on legal wrangling and outlandish positions.
In mediation, we will construct the best solutions for you and your children.
You need a divorce expert and someone who can provide clear and “plain English” explanations of what might happen in court, how a lawyer would view your case, and what you have to lose if you choose litigation over mediation. That’s me. I can help.
I believe that the court system was not designed for families. It was designed for big business. Do you want to focus on complex legal strategy and procedural game-playing like the corporate attorneys do? Or, do you want to focus on a fair settlement -- in both process and final result -- so that you can get on with your life and discover happiness.
- Owner of Graine Mediation - 2009 to Present – Virginia Supreme Court Certified Mediator, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) and Marital Coach.
- Selected by the Circuit Court of Cook County (Chicago) as one of the first court certified mediators through the Chicago Center for Conflict Resolution.
- Appointed as a Hearing Officer and Mediator for the Juvenile (Abuse & Neglect) and Child Support Enforcement Divisions of the Chicago Courts.
- Divorce litigator at Marshall J. Auerbach & Associates. Specialized in sophisticated financial litigation, including small business interests and complex personalities. Firm authored the Illinois state statute on Equitable Distribution of Property & Debt.
- Guardian ad Litem (children's legal advocate), Office of the Public Guardian, Cook County, Illinois.
- Featured Speaker – Second Saturday – Reston, VA. A monthly divorce workshop that provides information about divorce from experienced divorce professionals. (December 2019)
- Interviewed on Commitments Podcast with Ken & Leslie “How Can You Avoid Divorce?” (July 2019)
- Interviewed on Hitched Podcast “Ask a Divorce Mediator: How Can You Avoid Divorce?” (May 2019)
- Featured Speaker – Northern Virginia Women’s CPA Group – Alexandria, VA “Divorce & TCJA: What Clients Need To Know (Sept. 21, 2018)"
- Interviewed on Impact Makers Radio “Let’s Talk Divorce Series” - The Impact of the New Tax Code on Divorce (January 2018)"
- Former Vice Chair and current Member of the Fairfax Bar Association's Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution. Co-founder and lead member of Mediator Referral Service Task Force.
- Featured Speaker - FAMlaw Seminar - Fairfax, VA. "Divorce Mediation: The Importance of Mediation as a Settlement Option" (May 13, 2014).
- Featured Speaker - Virginia Mediation Network - The University of Richmond Law School. "Tapping into the Emotions that Best Serve the Realistic Goals of Divorcing Parties and their Children" (Spring Conference 2012).
- Resource for Montgomery County Peer Mediation Program - Trainer Appointee to the Program
- Mediation Judge - Law School Competition at University of Richmond (Spring 2011).
- Licenses and Certificates:
- Virginia Supreme Court Certified Mediator - Circuit Court Family (2010)
- Virginia Supreme Court Certified Mediator - Juvenile & Domestic Relations (2010)
- Circuit Court of Cook County, Chicago - Family Law Mediator - Center for Conflict Resolution (1994)
- Licensed to Practice Law - Illinois (1989)
- Financial Certifications:
- Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) - Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (2014)
- Education:
- Juris Doctor (Law Degree), Chicago- Kent College of Law (1989)
- BA, Virginia Commonwealth University (1985)
- Fairfax Bar Association - Sections on Alternative Dispute Resolution & Family Law
- Virginia Mediation Network
- Northern Virginia Divorce Alliance
- Virginia Trial Lawyers Association – Section on Family Law
- Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM)
- Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts (IDFA)
- Association for Divorce Financial Planners (ADFP)
- American Association for Marriage & Family Therapists (AAMFT)
- Professional Family Mediation Forum of Northern Virginia (PFMFNV)
Caroline Squair

Caroline Squair, as owner of CheckZBalance, LLC, works with Graine Mediation as technical expert and SEO consultant for our Blog, the firm’s graphic artist, and computer administrative support.
Caroline began her career as a computer administrator in 1990 supporting Unix & PC operating systems, SQL databases, networking, troubleshooting and administration. As a Certified Solaris Administrator, she was responsible for maintaining corporate-wide hardware and software upgrades and served as point of contact with Sun Microsystems. Inc and Freddie Mac.
Caroline earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science at Penn State University in 1990.
Diane Pantastico

Diane Pantastico, an entrepreneur with a history of working in the digital marketing industry, works with Graine Mediation as a virtual assistant. She loves to help small to mid-size businesses to empower their purpose through design and strategy. She's also a photographer and a disc jockey in the Philippines.
Studied Information Technology at the University of Southeastern Philippines. She is known as the team captain of the women's swimming team and an active participant in local and regional IT Competitions.
Genevieve Munch

Genevieve Munch does photography and videography services for Graine Mediation. She is currently developing her multimedia and writing-oriented freelance business. As an avid painter herself, she hopes to help other artists market themselves through her services.
She graduated from Virginia Tech in 2020 where she studied Creative Technologies and Art History. Throughout her time there, she developed a love of the New River Valley region and enjoyed engaging with its vibrant art community.
Robin Graine, JD, CDFA can help you stay focused and work through your conflicts
during this turbulent time.
Let Graine Mediation help you find solutions that will cost you less, improve your long-term outcome, and bring peace of mind to you and your family.