Divorce is never an easy process. It makes you feel all sorts of emotions, it can cost a lot of money, its hard on children, and it can take up all of your time. That's why, every day, millions of people hit the internet searching for online resources for divorce tips to help simplify the process and make it more affordable.
Divorce Hacks for Saving Time and Money
What Do Kids Want When Their Parent’s Get Divorced?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 min read
When parents get divorced, kids don’t count the days or hours in the custody schedule. Instead, they often worry about all of kinds of things most adults never even consider. For example:
Who will kiss my pet turtle goodnight when I am at Dad’s house?
How will Santa know where I am sleeping on Christmas?
Can I paint my new bedroom any color I want?
Once your children have their “logistical and technical” questions answered, what they really want, when their parents get divorced, is this:
Kids want to feel unconditional love from both parents.
How Does Spousal Support Work in Virginia?

Estimated Reading Time: 8 min read
Virginia Code
Virginia statutory law speaks generally of the criteria that a judge must consider when deciding an alimony case. However, the listed criteria give almost no guidance to the courts when making a determination as to “how much” spousal support is to be paid and “for how long” spousal support should last.
How are Assets Divided in Divorce

Estimated Reading Time: 3 Minutes 30 seconds
Dividing and distributing assets in a Virginia divorce is a four-step process:
Identify and determine ownership of the asset;
Determine the value of the asset;
Classify the asset (does it belong to the marriage or to an individual spouse); and
Reach mutual agreement on how the asset will be divided using the law as a guideline, being mindful of tax implications, and assessing fairness considering a variety of factors, both financial and non-financial.
9 Key Questions To Ask Before Negotiating Child Custody In Your Divorce

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes 20 seconds
Parenting is a one-shot deal. And when it comes to divorce or separation, it is rarely going to be a super positive event for your children. There are always opportunities to make the best of things, though, and that will be your job throughout the process.
What Makes Divorce Mediation Work?

Estimated Reading Time: 1 Minute 40 seconds
Mediation is a confidential settlement process in which a trained, neutral settlement expert — the “mediator” — facilitates communication between the parties. Without deciding the issues or imposing a solution on the parties, the mediator enables them to better understand each other’s positions and to reach a mutually agreeable resolution to their disputes.
Six Phases of Divorce Emotions
Signs He Will Change

1 min 40 sec read
You're looking for the signs he will change -- but thinking you can change your partner is a classic pitfall in many marriages. Though you can sometimes learn to deal with the foibles and flaws of your partner, some disagreeable habits and personality traits of your spouse can become too much to take, and you wind up in the divorce mediator or lawyer’s office.
Can an Ugly Divorce Cause PTSD?

1 min 15 sec read
You don't have to go through war to end up with the terrifying and extraordinarily discerning symptoms of PTSD. A divorce -- especially one where you weren't prepared for the news -- can shock you to the core, leave you short of breath, and make you feel like you are losing your mind.
Is He Cheating Signs: 6 Factors Influencing Unfaithfulness

1 min 55 sec read
Is he cheating? What are the signs? There are five factors that seem to have the greatest influence over whether a spouse will cheat. These factors are fairly intuitive and probably won't surprise many people.
Is He Cheating Signs | 6 Influencing Factors:
1. Good Looks, Charisma & Wealth
Just like the peacock, men with beautiful plumes often get their choice of the peahen.
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