Articles & Blog

When Divorce Forces the Stay at Home Mom to Choose Daycare

Estimated Reading Time: 3 min 13 sec

There has been a great deal of research demonstrating that high quality daycare is beneficial to children's emotional and intellectual development.

1. Language and cognitive development: Studies have found that children in higher quality childcare tend to have better language and cognitive development during the first 4.5 years.

How Does Spousal Support Work in Virginia?

Estimated Reading Time: 8 min read

Virginia Code

Virginia statutory law speaks generally of the criteria that a judge must consider when deciding an alimony case. However, the listed criteria give almost no guidance to the courts when making a determination as to “how much” spousal support is to be paid and “for how long” spousal support should last.

How To Tell Your Children About Divorce

Estimated Reading Time: 2 min 53 sec

There is no easy way to tell your children about divorce. Fortunately, there are some very good tips to help you and your spouse come up with the best way to break the news. When preparing to have that talk, consider the following:

(1) Parents need to be together when the children are told about the divorce.

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Will Coronavirus Isolation be the Last Straw in Your Marriage?

Estimated Reading Time: 5 min read

Months of quarantine under the current stay-at-home orders will test the strongest of relationships—some people may even consider getting the virus a more appealing alternative. Even people who have wonderful marriages are concerned their spouses may drive them crazy by the end of it.