5 Easy Steps to Making Good Decisions

5 Easy Steps to Making Good Decisions

Estimated Reading Time: 1 min read

In this blog I will show you how to make a good decision in 5 easy steps.

  1. TUNE INTO YOUR GUT. What is your body telling you? If you’re not used to doing that, find a quiet place to think about your problem and your options for change. Your body will tell you the best thing to do. Imagine not making a decision and feel what your body does when you imagine things staying as they are. Then imagine a new way. Feel what your body does then. Remember: Change always comes with anxiety -- but anxiety is not always a bad thing. It often just signals that change is coming. Don’t be afraid of change.

  3. DETERMINE YOUR GOALS. What is your major goal or goals? Be as specific as possible. Know what you are after.

  5. BE COURAGEOUS. To be a good decision-maker, you have to “just do it”. Whether you have self-esteem enough to trust yourself to make a good decision is not the point. Remember this: Making decisions -- whether good or bad -- builds self-esteem. It helps you build trust in yourself. You must also dismiss what others think of you. That will paralyze you. Be tough (even if you don’t feel tough).

  7. NOT MAKING A DECISION IS A DECISION. Always remember this.

  9. PRACTICE MAKING DECISIONS. Being a good decision-maker is a skill. It takes practice. If you are not used to making decisions, start practicing with small decisions. Then, practice learning how to pivot. In other words, if your decision is not quite right, practice re-working your circumstances to meet your goal.

  11. Remember: the key to happiness is not usually found in the decisions that you make, but in how you handle your circumstances. Your decisions do not need to be perfect. Take the pressure off and trust yourself to pivot if your decision was not perfect the first time.


Good luck making good decisions!

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